We are GMT Europe

accredited testing laboratory of the Institute for Testing and Certification

We are GMT Europe, a.s. 

We are an accredited testing laboratory of the Institute for Testing and Certification , a.s. (ITC)

ITC is an authorized person authorized by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic in the framework of expert assessment and certification of gambling games according to §3 paragraph 2 in points a) to e), internet games and devices, through which these gambling games are operated in accordance with Act No. 186/2016 Coll.

The Institute for Testing and Certification is also authorized for

  • expert assessment and certification of the operability of technical devices and systems for operating lotteries and other similar games
  • expert assessment and certification of the operability of gaming machines and games operated through GM in the sense of §1 paragraph 2
  • control of compliance with the conditions specified in the certificate of operability of technical equipment in accordance with the provisions § 45 of the Act on Lotteries No. 202/1990 Coll. and subsequent transitional periods.

Contact us

GMT Europe, a.s.

Business Centrum Ocelářská

Ocelářská 35, 190 00 Praha 9 - Vysočany

+420 284 080 273